Asbestos Awareness – Category A (IATP)

1st 4 Safety in Waterlooville works with local businesses to ensure all health and safety standards are up to date.

Who should attend?

Any person that may come into contact with Asbestos during their normal working day by disturbing the fabric of a building, or other item which might contain asbestos. It will not prepare workers to carry out work with asbestos-containing materials. If a worker is planning to carry out work that will disturb asbestos-containing materials, further training will be required. Asbestos can often be found in any building built before the year 2000 (houses, factories, offices, schools, hospitals etc).

Course Aims & Objectives

The purpose of this course is to give delegates an awareness of Asbestos and to show where this can be found.
By the end of the course delegates will:

  • Understand the Health & Safety Regulations
  • Understand why asbestos containing materials can be harmful and the need to treat them as a hazardous substance
  • Be able to identify the different types of Asbestos
  • Be able to show where Asbestos can be found
  • Understand the measures needed to eliminate or reduce the risks from asbestos

Course Outline

By the end of the course, delegates should be able to:

  • Identify the properties of asbestos and outline the history of its use
  • Outline the health effects of asbestos
  • Outline the types, uses and likely occurrence of asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in buildings and plant
  • Identify the main statutory provisions that relate to asbestos
  • Know the correct procedures to follow in an emergency
  • Know how to avoid the risks of asbestos


A timed, invigilated, closed book written examination will be individually completed by each learner at the end of the course, with 80% being the pass mark. On successful completion, delegates will be issued with a IATP Certificate.
Those who pay a CITB Levy are able to claim part of the course back through the CITB.


1/2 Day


We can offer courses on company premises for a maximum of 12 delegates or upcoming open courses in your local area.

Call 1st 4 Safety now to arrange a consultation.